Talking Wall

Posted by NEIL LORD V. GUITANG Sunday, September 6, 2009

If only these walls could talk there will be no silence. Silence, solitude in my bed. There are smiles on them, flickering bits of memories. But they don't move, not living even.

In the pitch of loneliness, tormenting my soul of every eve. If only they could respond to what I tell them every night when the stars don't appear. And the moon is alone in the dark.

If only they could caress my thirst in the shedding tears of patience. Of every sighs the name of my....I mean your dignity, even to the underneath.

I tried to compel them but they just echoed back at me. Drifting all the energy in my soul. Yes, in my heart, here in my heart! Leaving me weak... and hopeless. Here, where I could see, bleak lights gleaming through. If only these walls could talk, maybe, you'll know.


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