Oh love, Oh love, mysterious like a rose,
Why can't I love the one who loves me,
And love the one who loves me not?
And loved by someone whom she doesn't love,
For she loves someone who doesn't love her
For he loves the one who loves me -
Like a river.
Oh love, Oh love, hurtful you are!
Why does she keeps on offering me a rose,
When I can't give back in return, she knows,
For I look for someone I really adore,
Who doesn't look at me, not even awhile,
And looked upon by someone whom she doesn't love,
Because she looks at him -
Who doesn't look at her -
For he looks for somebody,
Who is my girl.
Oh love, Oh love, blind but has your eyes,
Why does she loves me, even though I don't
For I loved someone, who can not love me,
And loved by someone whom she doesn't love,
For she loves the one -
Who doesn't love her at all,
For his heart is the one,
Who gave me the moon.
Oh love, Oh love...
Why can't we love and be loved in return?
Why can't I love the one who loves me,
And can't be loved by someone whom I loved?
Why can't she love the one who loves her,
And can't be loved by someone whom she loves?
And why, that someone can't be love by someone
Who loves me?
If love is love - when can we let go
And free?
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good to be true
AT&T salesperson knocking on your door and offering insanely cheap plans
sounds like a dream but you'd be wise to double check before signing up for
2 hours ago